Mcon Cure C can be applied on the surfaces of fresh concrete floors, granolithic toppings and screeds. It is apt for the places that asks for poor ventilation. This is a curing aid for fresh concrete floors, vertical surfaces screeds, and granolithic toppings. It has endurance to deal with the excess traffic and UV light. Mcon Cure C is a pemix, offered in a ready to use form. It is used as a curing aid in the absence of wet curing. It is free from chloride and is a substitute for irregular, delayed and insufficient curing.
MCON CURE C is resin-based transperent concrete curing compound and is formulated from hydrocarbon resins. It may be used on interior, exterior, vertical, and horizontal concrete surfaces. It is transparent non-toxic, aqueous solution which when applied to fresh concrete surfaces, reacts with free lime and seals the pores, thus reducing the evaporation of water from the mix, which assists in curing process. It is used as a curing aid for fresh concrete floors, screeds, granolithic toppings and vertical surfaces.
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